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About ME I Notes From GUATEMALA I Foreign Service TIMELINE

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Friday, April 10, 2015

Sad Foreign Service News For Me

My Foreign Service candidacy (well, all of them, including the Oral Assessments in May) were terminated this morning as a result of my not having filed taxes during the two years I was working abroad in Japan. I was instructed in orientation that I was not to file U.S. taxes, as I was paying Japanese taxes.

This instruction was wrong. I must now wait 2 years to apply for any more Foreign Service positions.

Though I am disappointed, I see this setback as an opportunity to continue my work in Guatemala and to improve my candidacy for 2017. Honestly speaking, I'm not very sad at all - the issue was resolved last year - and I can only move forward from here. Thank you to everyone who has helped and who continue to help me realize my goal of working with the U.S. Department of State. Please ask me any questions about this and I will freely answer :)


  1. Hi. Your blog has been very helpful. I love your determination, don't give up! Can you explain further why you were terminated for failing to file taxes when it was already resolved? I have a similar situation. I also didn't file my taxes while I taught for a year in Korea back in 2010. In Korea public school teachers are tax exempt from the US and Korea, but still need to file taxes. I plan to take care of it this year before starting the FSO process and grad school. I would hope to join the service in about 3 years. Is this something that would also negatively impact my candidacy if I get it resolved long before?

    1. Can you explain further why you were terminated for failing to file taxes when it was already resolved?

      My best guess is because I retroactively filed after the Final Suitability investigation began. I believe they think I only cared enough to resolve the issue because it would negatively affect my Foreign Service candidacy, not because I thought it was the honest thing to do. Which, of course, is wrong. I had no idea it was a problem until the investigation began.

      I plan to take care of it this year before starting the FSO process and grad school.

      If you do this, it should be fine! Good luck!

  2. Hi! Thank you for sharing your experience and good luck on your next try! I was wondering about something else. Did you get asked whether you filed your Japanese taxes? Did you have to send proof like your own copies or an official transcript from their tax agency? Thank you.

    1. They did not ask about Japanese taxes, though I did provide them with that information. I sent proof that I paid my US taxes retroactively by sending them a copy of the 1040s. Hope this answers your questions!

  3. Hi! Thank you for your prompt reply. I was wondering about sending proof of filing the foreign taxes, not the U.S. ones as these can be quite difficult to obtain, if you don't keep your own copies...

    1. You do not need to send proof of paying foreign taxes.

  4. Hi!I also have a similar tax issue from teaching abroad and would like to get it resolved before I begin the FSO process. I would rather do it properly. Did you use a tax attorney? If so could you give me the contact info.


    1. Hello, there! I did not use a tax attorney. I would suggest contacting the IRS (1-866-681-4271) and asking what the process should entail.

      BTW, I no longer use this blog. If you click my name, it will send you to my new blog (


  5. Oohh..Gracious! I'm so grateful..Thank you so much. It's very helpful and well written. And it’s a better way to pay service taxes. But our company will help you to easily pay service taxes visit our services File US Taxes from the UK
